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Oregon Wine Month

May 2024

Some places channel your energies.

They direct your hands. They focus your intentions. Some places cultivate purpose, inspire the spirit, and move the heart.

But of all the places no place is like this place: the coastal ranges, high deserts, and wide valleys of Oregon showcase 23 AVAs nested into 6 principal regions. A place of rugged grace. Open invitations. And the determination that anything’s possible given enough time and effort and patience.

It takes a certain character to grow an Oregon grape for an Oregon wine. A character that honors the power of the land and embraces—completely, unconditionally—this Oregon winemaking thing.

Oregonians were growing and fermenting grapes before we achieved statehood. But our current reputation as one of the world’s top producers of high-quality wine has been built over the past five decades.

Join us as we celebrate a few examples of what makes our terroir terrific.