Explore Oregon Wines: Wineries | Varietals | AVAs | Cellar 503 Selections

Past, Present & 2025

January 2025

Eighteen months ago I was terrified of ruining a legacy that took a decade to build and that supported a growing family of small producers that had little in the way of alternative options for exposure.

Today I am proud to report that in the last 18 months, we have upgraded our POS system to ensure your information is stored as securely as possible, added 30 new producers to the family(not including the two this month), we have explored three new grape varieties and have been blessed to taste 5 new styles of wine making for grape varieties we know and love (I've learned those last two are really tough to find).

But wait...there's more!

In January we will be releasing one our most well rounded flights featuring two new to Cellar 503 producers showcasing wines both made and grown throughout the state.

In 2025 we hope to push just a little bit harder and grow into our fancy new POS system. We aspire to communicate through our email and social media channels a bit more and increase our offerings. As we grow we hope to increase our bandwidth to better serve you in new and creative ways.

Thank you for getting us this far.

Cheers to the deliciousness yet to come. -R