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Sweet Cheeks Winery

Sweet Cheeks Winery Sharing is Caring - Tempranillo

Sourcing Spectacular Fruit

There are two things “you never forget” about Sweet Cheeks Winery. One being the name, and second being our Founder, Dan. Those who visited the winery from opening day to December 2018 had a likely chance encounter with Dan. He had an unmistakably deep voice, the best for storytelling. Guests would swap fond memories with Dan as his beloved black lab would trot around the patio, saying hello to each table.

In his early elementary years, Dan was in boarding school in Germany and afterwards lived on a military base in Germany with his mother and step-father. He then decided to join the Navy and explore the world. Post-Navy, he found himself in the Los Angeles area. Still fascinated with machinery, he took an apprenticeship with refrigeration.

In the 1960s, Dan was ready for his next adventure. One of Dan’s hobbies was driving around and exploring roads. When he made his way up to Oregon, he took a few turns and found himself on a winding gravel road. Coming out of the tall Douglas Fir trees, he discovered a valley. Nestled away, just minutes from Eugene – he had found himself in the community of Crow. He knew this would be his home.

Over the years, he built friendships that would feel like family – and continued his tinkering with machinery. With a partner, he invented a Fire & Ice Machine – it would help tanks heat and cool with precise temperatures. This machine is ideal for breweries, wineries, or other fermentation or refrigeration needs.

Dan’s father-in-law, Charlie, lived with him at the time. The two of them would sit on their porch, overlooking the valley, and dream of adding on to the vineyard that was started. In the early 1980s, Dan purchased the property and began to plan the vineyard. The plans of planting a vineyard to sell grapes to other wineries quickly turned into a dream to open a tasting room and share this place with others.

Sweet Cheeks Winery

Cellar 503 Tasting Notes

Sweet Cheeks Winery, Eugene, Oregon
Sharing is Caring - Tempranillo

Tempranillo has been a favorite among our club members since we introduced it with our first vintage in 2007. A lesser-known varietal in Oregon, it is one of the world's top five planted grape varietals. Our Tempranillo showcases stunning layers of red berries, hints of fig and spices.

A Note from Winemaker, Leo Gabica

"We have been working with Quail Run Vineyard in Southern Oregon for a while. The vineyard site produces beautiful fruit - I wanted to highlight that with the Tempranillo. I aged the wine in French-American hybrid barrels for 20 months. With the vintage being warmer, I decided to use only neutral barrels. This allows the genuine flavor profile of the fruit to shine while harnessing the textures. Tempranillo is known for its tannin structure, and I wanted to focus on the rich berry notes, pops of cherry, and hints of spices. The barrel aging allowed these tannins to soften a bit, becoming velvety in texture. When the fruit arrived from Quail Run, I cold-soaked the berries for four days. This allowed for a gentle maceration, extracting the vibrant colors and developing the flavor profiles. This is an excellent culinary wine; it can stand up to a range of foods and become the hidden gem of your next meal."

Tempranillo is a versatile and food-friendly wine, pairing well with a variety of dishes, from red meat to barbecued dishes and boldly spiced foods, inviting you to explore new culinary adventures. Some of our favorite suggestions are roasted lamb, medium curries, tomato-based pasta, blue cheese burgers, paella, or wood-fired pizza.

A Cellar 503 selection in January 2025, Past, Present & 2025 Applegate Valley | Tempranillo