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Willful Wine Company 2014 Rosé
You’ll polish off a bottle without blinking. Oops!
Rosé selection curated by Kaitlin Ohlinger, The Wine Snob.
Owner/winemaker Pam Walden's story is one that I still cannot believe is real. Even more unreal is how obviously talented a winemaker she is.
Her tale involves a marriage, a divorce, and eventually an untimely passing that would eventually turn her into the kickass winemaker that she is. A native of the UK, Pam started out life working in television production and marketing. The world should rejoice that she ended up in wine!
Willful Wines was formed in 2012, after the dissolution of Daedalus Cellars, which she ran with her then husband from 2000-2010.
Evidently she picked up a thing or two along the way. Her main focus is Pinot Noir, but I'm also a huge fan of her Cabernet Franc from the Applegate Valley.

Cellar 503 Tasting Notes
Willful Wine Company, Portland, Oregon
2014 Rosé
Without question, Willful has been at the very top of my wine radar for months. Winemaker Pam Walden’s wines have stunned me many times over. This wine has that je ne sais quoi… that thing you can’t put your finger on, but find yourself gazing into your glass repeating “why is it so good?”
A soft rosé of 100% Pinot Noir, it has a subtle yet captivating nose of all things red; ripe strawberry, cherry & raspberry. Twinges of citrus peel and lemongrass are exciting additions to its fruit-forward, outgoing personality. And then there’s that finish that I can only describe as: clutch. You’ll polish off a bottle without blinking. Oops!
A Cellar 503 selection in May 2015, Summer Rosé Special Willamette Valley | Pinot Noir